Is AI Going To Take Your Job?

November 20, 2022
Posted in AI News
November 20, 2022 Michael Scott

Is AI Going To Take Your Job?

More and more individuals are understandably anxious and more vocal about the risks of AI stealing their employment as AI improves and becomes increasingly prevalent in the globalized world. I mean, who wouldn’t?   This increased concern is not totally unfounded, as research shows that AI has already created workplace instability in a variety of domains. In this exclusive feature article, we will examine the fears of AI ultimately displacing many conventional employment prospects but also why this may be a serious global problem in the near future.

“Let me show you to the coffee room, Mr. Glurrk.”

Randy Marsh: (gasp) “They took my JOB!”

Stan Marsh: “They took yer job!”

Among some of the main worries about AI is its capacity to automate tasks that have traditionally by human hands and skills. Depending on the industry or job, I don’t see where this could be a bad thing.  This is especially true for low-skilled or repetitive employment, as AI systems can frequently execute these activities faster and more precisely than people. For instance, artificial intelligence (AI) is already being used to collect and analyze reams of data, manage customer interaction enquiries, and even drive automobiles.

AI And Job Displacement

There is growing evidence that AI has already lead to job displacement in some industries around the world. For example, a study by the Center for Global Policy found that AI could potentially replace up to 800 million jobs by 2030, with the greatest impact in low-skilled or repetitive jobs (which isn’t really a bad thing, right?). In addition, a report by the World Economic Forum estimates that 75 million jobs will be displaced by AI and automation by 2022, but also predicts that 133 million new jobs will be created as a result.

The Impact Of AI On Employment

The fear about AI stealing work is not only about individual worker displacement, but also about the potential impact on employment and the economy on a global scale. If AI causes considerable job disruption, it may result in higher unemployment and lower earnings for some individuals, if at all.  This might have serious ramifications for the economy and society, since a big percentage of the people would be financially unable to feed themselves. Entire industries could be upended.

Concerns have also been raised concerning the possible influence of AI on inequality.


If artificial intelligence can cause massive workplace disruption, it may particularly affect lower-income and less-educated individuals, who are most likely to work in low-skilled or monotonous positions.

Currently, we see this real-time at local grocery stores where the cashier has been phased out in lieu of the automated machines.  AI truly has the potential to worsen current inequities and create new social and financial imbalances fueling exploitation by a large measure.

Addressing The Concerns About AI And Employment

Regarding the likely influence of AI on employment, it’s vital to discuss anxieties about artificial intelligence replacing humans. It’s a legitimate concern and the conversation needs to be had if we are to tackle this head-on at the onset. Here are several methods that may be performed to remedy this problem:

    • Invest in training and education: To begin planning for an AI-powered future, it is fundamentally essential to invest in educational and training programs that can assist people in acquiring the various capabilities required to prosper in an AI-driven world. Programs that educate humans how to utilize AI tools and software, as well as programs that focus on more general abilities like problem-solving and critical thinking, may fall under this category.
    • Foster innovation: Embracing market transformations and the implementation of advanced tech can lead to the creation of new professions and sectors. This might involve focusing on research and development, assisting small enterprises and startups, and establishing a climate receptive to innovation.
    • Promote ethical AI development: To reduce the possible negative effects on industry, it is critical to ensure AI is created and utilized conscientiously. Creating norms for the expansion and use of AI, as well as educating the general workforce about the possible ramifications and repercussions of AI, might be part of this.
    • Address inequality: It is essential to tackle current inequities and guarantee that the advantages and benefits of AI are equally distributed to all. This might incorporate legislation to assist employees who’s employment was displaced by AI, as well as efforts to improve social and economic equality.

Although it is near impossible to anticipate how AI will effect the job market in the future, it is readily apparent that it has the possibility of resulting in massive job disruption and it has substantial implications for both the workforce’s future and the prospects of various provate and public sectors.

Job displacement, affectionately known as automation, refers to the substitution of advanced technologies or machines for human labour. This phenomenon has the capability to have a huge influence on the workforce’s future, since it might result in substantial job loss and unemployment.

Amongst the most serious implications of job displacement is the possibility of widespread unemployment and a decrease in the demand for specific types of labor. As robots and future technologies improve and become proficient of doing a broader variety of jobs, they may eventually replace human labor in areas such as manufacturing, transportation, and even some services sectors. This may potentially lead to massive job losses, the evaporation of entire industries and a drop in the overall demand for specific sorts of work, perhaps causing economic turmoil and social unrest.

Another repercussion of job relocation is the possibility of increased economic disparity. Machines and technology are now able to accomplish some activities more effectively and at a cheaper cost than human labor as they take over specific duties. As this  might enhance revenues for firms and technology owners while lowering salaries and job possibilities for employees, it will undoubtedly cause a rift. This might contribute to a growing disparity between affluent and poor people and aggravate economic inequality.

Overall, the consequences of job displacement are likely to be significant and wide-ranging, with the potential to impact the future of the workforce and the economies of various industries. It is important for individuals and societies to be aware of these potential consequences and to take steps to mitigate their negative effects if they are to survive the emerging, technocratic world.

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